Meet the Tentsmiths Crew – Kristal

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Meet the Tentsmiths Crew – Kristal

Ever wondered who exactly it is that stitches your tarp or tent? Who answers the phone? Who exactly is Tentsmiths? Here is your answer!

Name: Kristal
Hometown: Iowa City, Iowa

Position: Office/Shipping Manager

Which means I: Answer phone calls and emails, pack finished tarps and tents for shipping, ship boxes, handle returns, keep track of stock, help out with cutting as demanded by our production team. Love you guys!

I grew up in Iowa where I have always enjoyed the limited camping I could do and spending time outside. I went to my first ren faire in undergrad before heading off to grad school at Plymouth State. I became very involved in the Medieval Society where we made our own renaissance faire. I have since become very involved in the New Hampshire Ren Faire. I am so happy to have found a family like Tentsmiths that provides such great shelters to the rest of the reenactment and ren faire families!

Favorite Tentsmiths tent and why: I like the tents with minimal extras because there is less to get wrong on the construction sheets!